Monday, April 12, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Is Comming For A Visit

On April 8th Macy lost her first tooth. This was so exciting and a big deal to her. To me it was so precious but meant my baby is just growing to fast. Macy's tooth began to wiggle a few weeks ago and I told her she had to wait for me to get back from my trip to GA before it could fall out. The tooth obeyed orders and stayed in till just the other day. We are just having the tooth fairy come tonight because I just now found the pillow we had been given to hold the tooth. I guess we should of waited another day till the tooth fairy had some cash to put in the pillow. I hope the dollar coin the tooth fairy left will work:) Next time the tooth fairy will be more prepared. Doesn't Macy look so precious with her missing tooth in hand and sweet toothless grin.

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