Sunday, October 4, 2009

Beggs Family Farm

This past Saturday Meme the girls and I all went to Beggs Family Farm and pumpkin patch and spent the day. We had a picnic lunch. Then tried out the home made bounce house they had which was pretty neat. Zoey just loved to be bounced around on it. Then Macy and I did the fence maze they had and we only got lost twice and found our way out rather quickly. While others were crawling under the fence or going back to the entrance to get out because they had no clue how to get to the exit. Macy and I made a great team:) Then we tried out the horse swings that were made out of tires that looked like horses and bulls that where hung from an old pivot. Next Macy got to ride a pony and was yelling ride em cowgirl and yea haw. She was making everyone laugh. Next we went to the barrel animal ride that was hard for me to squeeze into with Zoey in my lap. My legs where squished up in the barrel and I had little room to even hold Zoey. She enjoyed it even though i was praying for it to be over. We moms endure a lot for the happiness of our children. Finaly we visited the gift shop and headed home. Thanks Meme the Pumpkin patch was a lot of fun and the girls really enjoyed it.


Sharon Gilmer said...

I love the one of them on the BIG Rocking Chair! You should of had MiMi take a picture with you three all in it.

Tara said...

We love Beggs farm! We have not been in a couple of years. Such a neat place. Love the pics! They are growing up so fast!!

mikeandlinda said...

love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!just got meme an account so she can comment too!!!!!!!!Papaw