Sunday, October 3, 2010


Black Sand Beach

Here is Susan and I starting out our trip to Japan. This is Susans first trip out of the country that she isn't going to serve in the mission fields.

This was the view on the train as we left Tokyo heading toward Misawa. This was just a small piece of the city.

This is when Andy surprised Sharon when he got home for Korea. He wasn't due back for a few more weeks. So happy he made it back to see his daughter be born.

Here is Sharon, Susan, and I at Shrine Beach or thats what its called by us foreiners not sure if thats its real name.

my fist time to hold my sweet niece. Love that sweet baby already.

Here is Quinn Emery Gilmer born the day before my sweet Zoey Jane.

Here is Susan, Mike, Sharon, and Quinn we are all talking to Mike on Skype. We spent a lot of time on this while in Japan. Made being away for so long a little easier.

This is Emiko and I. I have on the kimono that she gave me as a gift. She is such a sweet lady glad my sister has such wonderful friends taking care of her while she is in Japan.