Thursday, August 5, 2010


For all that don't know we have added a new member to the Clayton Clan. His name is Rosco and he is a 1.4lb Long Haired Chihuahua that is cute as a button. Matt surprised me with this little bundle of joy last weekend. He has been such a joy to have in our family. He already is a spoiled little dog with lots of love and toys. Thanks again my sweet hubby for such a great gift.

Zoey lately :)

Here are just a few cute pics of Zoey from the past 2 weeks. One she fell asleep in high chair it was to cute.

Macy is in Kindergarten!

Macy had her first official day of school today it only was a half day but she loved it anyway. They made play dough colored and took a tour of the school. She was so well behaved she even got a sucker from her teacher. Which she thought was just about as good as it could get. Tomorrow will be her first full day so we will see how she does. Love you Big Kindergartner make Mommy proud!:)